Sherco’s EB range expands to include the new premium EB18 Factory Edition

Sherco’s EB range expands to include the new
premium EB18 Factory Edition

.After the successful release of the EB range, Sherco
Australia is excited to release the highest spec’d and
largest EB model in its range, the EB18 Factory Edition.
The EB18 Factory comes with premium components many
would normally see on high-end mountain bike brands
including hydraulic disc brakes – both front and rear,
adjustable suspension, alloy frame and is powered by a
36V 500W brushless motor that packs some punch.
The power is managed by three power modes with a
maximum speed of 30km/h. This is a great feature as
you can adapt the bike to cater to all skill levels.

The Sherco EB18 Factory will retail for a very competitive ride away price of $1,990. Limited stock is arriving on
January 24th and we encourage dealers to submit back orders now on the MDS. Please note, we expect our first
shipment to sell out and have a second shipment arriving early March.

See our team today or call us on 02 6962 4677


Want more information? Send us a message below. 


Let us know your preferred time and date for a test drive. We’ll be in touch to confirm. 

We do not offer test rides in wet weather. 

A current drivers licence is required for test rides. You can upload a photo of your licence below, or supply it on the day of the test ride. 

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